Bible Institute of Missouri
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The Bible Institute of Missouri has been established for the purpose of training men to be proclaimers of God's Word throughout the United States and the world. The school recognizes the need for training institutions that are affordable to those who may not have the means to attend a college or university. Also, the great need for faithful gospel preachers in the brotherhood has brought about the establishment of the Bible Institute of Missouri. Another great purpose of this school is to provide extension courses to help take care of the need for more teaching and training in the Lord's church. The Bible Institute of Missouri is open to all who desire to gain further Bible knowledge and/or to become full-time gospel preachers. The school will make every effort to maintain the highest standard in teachers, students and academics.
The Bible Institute of Missouri offers the equivalent or 139 semester hours in Bible and related subjects, it must be remembered that the Bible Institute of Missouri is operated by and for churches of Christ. Outside agencies conferring academic status or recognition are of little value to such schools because they lack a proper appreciation for the aims and purposes of preacher training schools. The two-year program is equivalent to that of a four-year college program. The school is conducted on a college level of instruction.
The school does have a graduation service and awards a "Degree of Biblical Studies" to those who successfully complete the work. Graduates of the Bible Institute of Missouri will be respected for their abilities and preparation, and will be the equal of any worker for the Lord in the world.
Each student is expected to be in his respective class on time at every session as scheduled. All necessary tardies and absences must be arranged with the director and respective instructors and are to be governed by the following:
Leave of Absence. Such is granted to students under conditions that are beyond their control, such as road hazards, weather conditions, sickness, death in the immediate family, necessary official business and representing the school.
Absences and Class Cuts. No absence is permitted, except as indicated in the above paragraph. No class cuts are excused. Each case will be reviewed by the director and faculty committee. Anyone whose attendance is determined unsatisfactory will be dismissed. Appointments with doctors and dentists should be made for after school or on Saturdays.
Tardies. Being late to chapel and classes will not be tolerated. Three tardies equal one unexcused absence; three unexcused absences subject one to dismissal. Anyone habitually tardy for classes at anytime (at the beginning of class or after break) is to be refused admittance to class and readmitted only after permission from the director is granted.
For each unexcused absence, the student's final grade average will be reduced five points. A written reason for each tardy or absence must be presented to the instructor. Unsatisfactory attendance will be reported to the director.
Make-up work. Each student is held accountable for work missed due to absence for any reason and will be required to make it up, according to the demands of his respective instructor. In view of the intensive work and accelerated program of this school, any student missing as much as two weeks total in any one session may be asked to withdraw. He may re-enter in a later term.
- The student must have demonstrated a proper godly character.
- Each student must complete satisfactorily all the prescribed courses. There are no electives in the curriculum.
- An overall average of 2.0 (C) must be maintained.
- Any student having an "F" or "I" on his record must remove such before graduation.
- Each student must have completed over 2,000 clock hours of classroom study, instruction, or whatever may be required by the instructor.
All students are required to take a full load of six courses each quarter. During the regular school year, two courses meet for three hours each week, and four courses meet for six hours each week. Students who begin school at the same time will cover the same material and graduate together.
- 98-100
- 93-97
- 90-92
- 88-89
- 83-87
- 80-82
- 78-79
- 73-77
- 70-72
- 68-69
- 63-67
- 60-62
- 0-59
- Incomplete
- A+
- A Excellent
- A-
- B+
- B Above Average
- B-
- C+
- C Average Passing
- C-
- D+
- D Below Average
- D-
- F Not Passing
- I
- 4.00 Quality points per term
- 3.74 Quality points per term
- 3.50 Quality points per term
- 3.25 Quality points per term
- 3.00 Quality points per term
- 2.75 Quality points per term
- 2.50 Quality points per term
- 2.00 Quality points per term
- 1.75 Quality points per term
- 1.50 Quality points per term
- 1.00 Quality points per term
- 0.75 Quality points per term
- 0.00 Quality points per term
- 0.00 Quality points per term
A student who has an "incomplete" must complete the requirements for that course within six weeks during the next term or his grade will become an "F." An "F" may be removed by repeating the course or fulfilling special work requirements assigned by the instructor and approved by the director. All students will be counseled, concerning this matter, when it seems necessary.
Any student making below a "C-minus" average (1.75 Quality Points) for any term will be placed on probation throughout the following term. He must remove that probation within the next term or be asked to withdraw the following term. Those thus suspended may be readmitted after the lapse of one term, subject to approval of the director and faculty. No student can graduate from the Bible Institute of Missouri with an "F" or an "I" on his record. Permanent records will be kept by the school.
In addition to papers returned, a grade report card will be given to each student at the end of each quarter. On demand, progress reports will also be given to those who provide support directly to the student.
- All students are expected to assume proper responsibility as citizens. Any who are convicted of any law violation will be subject to discipline by the school.
- Everyone is expected to deal honestly and uprightly with fellow students and with congregations and individuals who supply financial support.
- Any words or actions unbecoming to Christians will not be tolerated. At all times the student must conduct himself with proper decorum and must display proper attitudes in all matters pertaining to his school work.
- Students in this school are not permitted to use tobacco, illegal drugs, and/or alcohol in any form, and any who are found doing so will immediately be dismissed.
- Though a specific offense may not be committed, a student may be asked to withdraw at any time if his attitude and demeanor are not in harmony with the spirit and purpose of the school. This will not be subject to review by any other person or group outside the Bible Institute of Missouri.
- Students must attend all the public worship services of the congregation where the school is located, unless he is working with another congregation of the Lord's church is some capacity.
- Business deals of any kind relative to borrowing and lending with fellow students and/or with faculty are strongly discouraged. Living within one's means is a virtue for every man and especially so with those who would preach. If scholarship funds are insufficient to meet a students needs, this should be discussed with the director before enrolling. Any student involved in any business deal that the administration deems improper will be dismissed.
- Other rules will be distributed at registration.
- When attending classes the student is required to wear a collared shirt during school hours, 8:00 to 4:00 p.m.
- Tight fitting jeans, shorts or other such pants are forbidden.
- All students are requested to dress at worship as if they were going to class. A coat and tie are required if preaching.
- Long hair or thick/shaggy sideburns are not permitted. Any facial hair should be kept well groomed. The judgement of the school will determine what is or is not acceptable in all matters of facial hair.
- Body piercing of any kind is not permitted.
There will be no charge for tuition or fees. All cost of administration and instruction are borne by the faculty through those churches who support them in their work. In addition some funds may be provided by churches for the support of the student's living expenses while in preparation.
Textbooks are made available to students by the school. These textbooks may be purchased by students upon graduation. Materials needed by each student such as paper, pencils, and notebooks must be purchased by each student out of his scholarship or personal funds.
Each full-time student must attend classes a total of thirty hours a week on a regular schedule plus chapel. During the regular school year, there will be four ten-week sessions totaling forty weeks per year plus the summer term. On a "clock-hour" basis, during the two years of intensive study, each student will receive over 2,000 hours of instruction. On the basis of three hours per week for a normal credit hour, this equals a total of 139 semester hours.
The school day begins at 8:00 A.M. and classes meet six hours per day and five days each week making a total of thirty-two and a half hours of instruction per week.
Each school year is divided into four terms of ten weeks each. Included in each term is a week designated for research. The tenth week is used for final exams. In addition, there is a summer term of five weeks.
Daily chapel services are conducted throughout the entire school year. This period of daily devotion consist of songs, scripture readings, prayers, and messages delivered by students, guest speakers, and faculty. Chapel begins daily at precisely 8:00 AM, and attendance is required of all students.
Students should make every effort to provide their own support before entering school. Family, Christian friends, and local churches should be appealed to for support covering at least twenty months of study at the Bible Institute of Missouri. Students who can provide some or all of their own support are expected to do so.
For prospective students who cannot provide all of the funds needed to enter and remain in school, a limited number of scholarships are available. Scholarships vary in amount, depending on what the student can provide and whether the student is married or single.
Credit for previous education and training will be given to students transferring to this school, after being evaluated. Such transfer students will be placed at the level to which they have obtained.
The cost of living in Springfield is about the average for most smaller Midwest cities. An unmarried student can live and buy necessary items for living for around $500 to $700 per month. A family of four would need somewhere between $1250 to $1750 per month for living needs. This would be the minimum amount needed.
All students are responsible for arranging for their own living quarters. The school will assist with contacts. Unfurnished apartments and houses start from $350 per month. Two bedroom houses can be found beginning at $400 per month, and three bedroom houses can be found for $500 per month.
Students are responsible for raising their own support. Most students receive support from one or more congregations. Many congregations are willing to help support students in training to become gospel preachers. Begin at your home congregation and tell the elders or men that you want to train to be a preacher. Explain your needs and your desires to preach. Ask us for assistance, and we will help you find prospects and even help you contact some prospects.
The job market is good in Springfield. There will be many opportunities for employment for wives who need to work.
There are many churches in and around the Springfield area that can use part-time preachers. We are hoping to be able to give every student an opportunity to preach at least twice every month in the area.
A limited number of cash scholarships are provided from a special school fund. Students must give proper evidence of this need and worthiness to qualify. From this special fund, assistance is also given in case of an emergency. This fund is provided by contributions from churches and interested individuals. Those who lack sufficient funds may make application for some assistance.
If possible, students should arrange to have some kind of insurance in the event of illness or other emergencies. The school is not able to assume financial responsibility for any student.